Sunday, August 7, 2011

Goats on the Air ... from 14er CO & CA

Happening Now !!

Goats on the Air from 14er CO & CA
Posted by: "steve_wg0at"   steve_wg0at
Tue Aug 2, 2011 11:38 am (PDT)

"Amateur Radio operators from around Colorado will be climbing many of
Colorado's 14,000-foot mountains to set up amateur radio stations in an effort
to communicate with other radio amateurs across the state and around the world.
Join in on the fun on this first Sunday of August and see how many of the
mountaintop stations you can contact. The prime operating hours are from
approximately 9 AM to noon local time (1500 to 1800 UTC), but activity may occur
at other times during the day. Most mountaintop stations will be running low
power handheld VHF radios. And some HF QRP" ....From

YES! Once again it's that time of year when Rooster & Peanut have to haul the
OG's radio up a 14er! Just why we're not sure ...says, Peanut

But if you're looking for something to do on this coming Sunday AM please listen
for us (Fred/KT5X, Guy/N7UN, Steve/wGOAT) at 1500-1800z on 14061 & 14342.5.
We'll also try to selfspot on and

Fred is some kind of crazy mountain runner in training for the Pikes Peak
Marathon and will likely run ahead to the summit and setup his ATS3 with EFHW
and begin to warmup the frequencies as wSOTA. He will likely be on as the band
as it opens around 1300z or ?

Although the Ham-14er event is primarily UHF/VHF FM operation more stations than
ever will be operating on HF this year ...this could be the beginning of
something big?

You DO NOT have to be on a 14er to work another station!
Please join us for some fun QSOs!!

Here's a partial list of peaks and stations:

MOUNTAIN: Name(s)/Callsign(s) ...Comments
ANTERO: Bob/K0NR and Joyce/K0JJW
BIERSTADT: WE7C ...Tentative plan - so company is welcome
HANDIES PEAK: Steve/wG0AT, Guy/N7UN, Fred/KT5X
....Plus 20m CW/SSB as N0B, nS0TA, wSOTA and wGOAT
Mt EVANS: KD0KOB - N. Amateur Radio League VHF UHF ...maybe 20M QRP
Mt SHASTA, CA: Brian Boschma/N6IZ ...SOTA expedition with hopes to work 14ers
Mt. BELFORD:Keith W0NX ...Can try for Mt. Oxford, weather and time permitting
Mt. BROSS: KC0YRM, KD0DCW, ...possibly others 70 cm thru 20m SSB
Mt. SHERMAN: Scott/AC0FQ and Judy/KD0GUY
PIKES PEAK: KB0SA Stu W0STU and the Troop 6 Boy Scouts and friends
...(see August QST 2011 for story on Troop 6 Boy Scouts)

check for more info

73, GOTA (Goats On The Air)
track us at:

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