Sunday, April 7, 2013

CQ SOTA >>>>> Summits On The Air !!

N4 .... LIVE ACTION !!!!
From Buffalo Mountain, Virginia

Hello this is Todd (N4LA) in Denton, NC. 
Radio-wise, Saturday was a blast. 
At mid-morning, my buddy Jack, W4TJE and I drove up to Buffalo Mtn with our backpacks 
and portable radio gear, in Floyd County, VA. Jack and I are the same 
age (49), from the same town originally in NC (Siler City), grew up together, 
both learned radio together, and even have common relatives by marriage. After 
school, he joined the Marines, while I joined the Navy, so it did my heart 
proud today to show the Marine how a Navy guy humps to the top of a mountain 
So a full hour after I (USN) had made it to the top carrying all of the gear, 
Jack (USMC) finally arrived, and we were ready to get on air. We set up at the 
summit at 3970 feet, with me (USN) doing all the work, while Jack (USMC) 
drinking coffee and telling Iraq war stories (LIES) about How he had trained Navy Seals
and physically beat the Taliban into submission !! (This guy can lie with the best of them )
It was then that I  introduced him to the world of the Summits On The 
Air (SOTA). IT WAS AWESOME.!! We operated both phone and cw and put that peak 
on the air for only the second time. We had stns calling us from Europe to the 
West Coast, and put over 70 of them in the log before shutting down and 
climbing down the mountain ( I had to carry Jack, he had ran out of both coffee 
and war stories ((LIES)) by then). Of course Jack will deny this day till the day he dies !!
I can't wait until the next summit ... but I hope jack lays off the doughnuts until then !!
By the way this was my very first SOTA activation .... it was also Jacks first activation.
So Thank you Jack for still hanging out with me, and the great friendship over all these years.
Also thanks to all the stations that showed up to work... without you guys it wouldn't have been possible!

Please Note: This story is not true !!  ( Hi Hi )  .... but I wish it was !!

73 de Todd / N4LA

Jack (W4TJE) at the trail head

W4TJE at the start of the climb

A view from the top into VA !!

Looking the opposite Direction

View into NC from operating position

Jack operating CW on 20 meters

Todd operation 40 meter SSB

W4TJE on the Summit ... CQ SOTA !!

Radio Equipment list

Rig:  Yaesu FT 857D @ 25W
Antenna::  LNR Precision EF-40/20
Battery:  Buddipole 4S3P A123 Battery Pack
Antenna Mast:  31ft Jackite Fiberglass Pole
CW Key:  Palm Mini Paddle

73 de N4LA
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