Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guam ..KH2/N2NL on 160 Meters this morning !!

This video is for those who can appreciate the challenge of working rare DX on Topband.
I put KH2/N2NL (David) on the island of Guam, in my Topband log this morning at 11:51 Z or 06:51 local ... for a new one on 160 ....I worked him 7 minutes before my actual sunrise.
David was working split (up 1) so qrm was minimal .... What amazes me is, I couldn't even hear him 15 minutes earlier !!
Signal reports were 559 both ways. .... Conditions this morning were great on Topband (Solar flux 91 / A Index 5 / K index 2)
I also heard a Russian station in zone 19 just after my sunrise .... I didn't call, since signals was fading rapidly.
Davids signal peaked about 1 minute before our sunrise.... he was S7 on the Inverted L.
The MAGIC of Topband !!! .... What a way to start the day !!
73 de N4LA / Todd

What is this ?
Click Here ... to find out on the KH2/N2NL website !!

1 comment:

VE9KK said...

I have never operated top band before but it seems that conditions can change from moment to moment. As for the coconut crab.....holy cow!!!