Coolers Knob is Burning !!
As many of you know ...
one of my favorite radio spots
to operate portable ...
is only minutes from my home.
It's on the peak of "Coolers Knob"
which is located in the Birkhead Wilderness Area.
I turned on the news about 6:30 am on Sunday morning
And to my surprise ...
I found out that one of my favorte hiking spots
in the area was on fire !!
The picture above shows trucks from the
US Forestry Service
And a specialized group of fire fighters
called the " Asheville Hotshots"
were also called in from western North Carolina.
They also brought along Air support
with a helicopter and drop bucket.
The winds for the past couple of days have been gusty
and have caused problems with containment.
At the present time, just over 50 acres are burning
and the fire is expected to continue spread due to high winds.
As of the last report...
They say it may take a few days to put the fire out.
When they open the trail back up
I'll try and hike up and gets some photos for the blog.
For the latest info go to my local news link below.